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Chicago sports!

It doesn’t get any better.

If you’ve ever visited Chicago, you know for a fact that the fans are not only dedicated but absolutely crazy. Many would call Chicago sports-fans the worst but we’ll just say those people are jealous that their fellow sports-fans aren’t as cool as Chicago’s.

Below are 5 reasons why Chicago sports fans are the best:

1. They don’t play by the rules

Whoever runs out on the field to catch a glimpse of their favorite player has some guts! Chicago fans love their team so much that they’ll risk getting ejected. And yes, this little boy was ejected from the game.

2. They know how to drink

Baseball and beer! Perfect combo. During a Chicago Cubs game against the San Diego Padres at Wrigley Field, a Cubs fan caught a foul ball in her cup filled with beer. What did she proceed to do? She chugged it. America!

3. They’ll support their team regardless of the weather

Rain, snow and sunshine, these sports fanatics will be there cheering their team on no matter what.
New England Patriots v Chicago Bears

4. They literally shut down the city

The Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup in 2013 and Chicago set the world record for the most people to celebrate in one city. The Grant Park rally had over 2 million fans! Can you say WOW!



5. They know how to cope with an injury

Derrick Roses’ knee injury really upset the Chicago fans. One fan even made a beautiful memorial under I-90 underpass on Fullerton Ave. The memorial included 2 crutches, 6 knee pads, 12 candles, 1 basketball, a picture of D. Rose before his injury, a picture of D. Rose after his injury, a bulletin board with NBA players supportive tweets, and of course – roses.

Attending a Chicago sporting event should be on everyone’s bucket list!